I know they say not to mix politics...well, with anything but is there really anything College Football doesn't go with? (Except maybe, Notre Dame!)Even politics...
...and yes, Republican's have hearts, you just haven't figured out how to get to them, yet...
On that note, the following conversation has been recreated for your reading pleasure.
DEMOCRAT FRIEND("FRIEND"): Thursday we say goodbye to George Bush, he is giving his farewell speech.
MONDAY MORNING CHEERLEADER ("ME"): Yeah well...2009 has been a bit of a "poop" year so far so why not throw in a new Pres.
FRIEND: So you actually liked George Bush?
ME: Well, he made me laugh and to be honest, I haven't really liked a single Presidential candidate since I have been able to vote.
FRIEND: Not even Clinton? Come on, everyone liked Clinton.
ME: I'm a Republican. And he doesn't count anyway, I couldn't vote back then.
FRIEND: Wait a minute. How many election could you vote in?
ME: Haha. Just these last two.
FRIEND: Maybe I can recruit you, then. Have you heard Obama talk? The other night he talked about everything from Income Redistribution to how he wants BCS playoffs.
ME: I don't think so. I am not buying into this steal from the rich and give to the poor stuff. I mean, I don't want people to suffer, but you can't just take money from people who earned it and give it to people who...I am sorry, did you say, BCS Playoffs?
FRIEND: Yes, but you were talking about the redistribution of wealth...
ME: How do I feel about Obama’s redistribution of wealth? Well...I think that there should be an eight or twelve team playoff at the end of the regular college football season. Enough with the “strength of schedule, divided by the number of games played at home, over home games against non-conference teams with less than 10 point differential. GIVE ME PLAYOFFS!
FRIEND: Okay, but how's that related to taxing the higher income brackets?
ME: Who the heck cares about income brackets, when you have NCAA Football Playoff Brackets? What have rich people done for me lately? I don’t lay awake at night wondering if Bill Gates is gonna lose a few million of his billions, but I do wonder, “Is Florida really better than USC?” “What will happen if Penn State goes undefeated and there are 2 other undefeated teams in the BCS?” “Why did Bowling Green play on the Wednesday after New Years Day?” "When will the Big Ten get to play some respectable teams, so we can get our credibility back?" Now, those questions are TAXING!
The man is "Pro Playoffs" and "Anti Co-champs!" Why didn't he just say so? If he would have run with those as his platform, I would have had no further questions. Whatever he does to the economy, we can fix that later, but the damage done by the BCS Shenanigans can never be undone.
I am a Nittany Lion, first...Republican, later.
"I think it is about time we had playoffs in college football, I'm fed up with these computer rankings and this and that and the other. Get eight teams -- the top eight teams right at the end. You got a playoff. Decide on a national champion."
“I don’t know any serious fan of college football who has disagreed with me on this, I’m going to throw my weight around a little bit. I think it’s the right thing to do.”
-Barack Obama
Now you see, that’s “change I can believe in!”
What did the men behind the curtain, at the good ol' BCS, have to say about Obama’s Playoff System suggestion?
"We deeply respect the president-elect and we are glad that he is a fan of college football, we have the most compelling regular season in all of sports, and I'm sure that contributes to Senator Obama's enjoyment of our great game."
"My colleagues and I on the BCS Presidential Oversight Committee have discussed the future of postseason football on many occasions and we do not believe a playoff would be in the best interest of the sport, the student-athletes or our many other constituencies."
-BCS President, David Frohnmayer
Wait. What was the answer? Why can’t we have a playoff system in college football?
This BCS geezer was asked about having a BCS playoff system and he neutralized the hostility by welcoming the questioner, then drew our attention to the positive aspects of the current system, the regular season. When got to the question, he assured us that those, who are far more qualified to handle the situation, have discussed the issue and decided it is not our best interest. (By "many other constituencies" he means, his pockets!)And I still don’t know WHY WE CAN’T HAVE PLAYOFFS?
Hmmmm....who is the politician now?

...Well, if the ALL-KNOWING Commies (I meant that to be short for Committees) of the BCS say it is in our best interest, who are we to question what they have already decided is best for us?
So what if the coaches suggest a playoff system, every season, when the BCS's "b*tch team of the season" is left out of a bowl game? Or if Matt Leinert (student-athlete) wore a "BCS Sucks" shirt (You can get a BCSucks shirt, HERE). How would he know what is in his own best interest?
We should all be more like this guy, right?
So what is my plan for college football?
Simple, throw out the formulas and divide the BCS into 8 or 12 Conferences. The team that wins each conference goes to the playoffs. You don’t win your conference, you don’t go to the playoffs. If you are not in a conference...JOIN ONE, NOTRE DAME! Highest seeded team plays the lowest until there are 2 teams left. Those 2 teams play in the Championship game.
The Fiesta Bowl and the Orange Bowl, etc. become "playoff bowls." BCS still makes their big bucks, no undefeated team gets left behind and everyone is happy.
Sure there are a few things that need to be worked out...but the current BCS system resulted in 2 one-loss teams playing for the Championship, while an undefeated Utah wasn't even considered. Utah entered the Bowl Series ranked Number 6, with Texas at Number 3 (who did not win their conference) and then the Utes spanked Alabama in their Bowl game. Do I think Utah should be number one? No. Am I sure? No.
(Do you know what will eliminate any doubt of who is number one? PLAYOFFS!)
So it makes me wonder, when people say that "Playoffs" is not the answer, what exactly is the question...
Do you know how they currently decide teams play for the Championship? (of course not, no one does!)
The BCS formula is comprised by 5 components. The average ranking in the AP and ESPN coach's poll, an average ranking of the best four of six computer polls, the number of losses, a strength of schedule factor, and a quality wins factor. Huh?
(How do we eliminate the confusion? PLAYOFFS!)
Do you know how the AP Polls are decided?
Some random guys, who admit to only watching select games throughout the season, actually vote on their favorite team for number one. On ESPN Radio, 2 AP voters admitted they had never seen Utah play all season and one voter, couldn't remember if he had seen them. I remember every game I watched all season. Get some game tape, buddy!
(How do we eliminate the need for that guys opinion? PLAYOFFS!)
Do you know how any one of the six computer polls are calculated? (Because they never agree with the voter polls)
This one I can't answer. I tried to read the basic formula for just one, but they lost me somewhere around "integral calculus" and "linear algebra." (Which was on page one of twenty three!) If they are really playing "rock, paper, scissors" and threw those therms in there to scare me into accepting these computer guys as geniuses...they were successful. (There's no math in law school!)Plus...
(How do we eliminate the need for the terms "integral calculus" and "linear algebra" in our lives? PLAYOFFS!)
We haven't gotten to the AP, ESPN or other computer systems, yet... do you still wanna know how they decide which teams play in the Championship?

Yup, and you wonder why UF plays every year...it pays to have a young able-bodied coach in those tie-breakers!
Looks like "playoffs" is quite often the answer, to me.
Does all this mean, I am a democrat, now? Absolutely not. (But I am a college football fan!) So, if you wondering how to get Republicans to support our new President in his quest for "Change." The answer is once again...
As far as the redistribution of wealth... I support it 100%, if it means redistributing Anquan Boldin to the New York Giants.

The Cardinals already have Larry Fitzgerald.
Note: In the above post, the meaning of the term "college football" is limited to refer only to Division I and is, at no time, intended to include the lower divisions of college football, which already have a playoff system in place.
Best blog i have ever read. hands down.
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