Monday, September 29, 2008

Week Four in the NFL

Week Four in the NFL

This week was a less exciting week with the WORLD CHAMPION NY GIANTS on a bye week, as were the Colts, Seahawks, Lions and Dolphins. But let’s get started anyway.

If you ever hear anyone say “Jay Cutler is a good quarterback.” You tell them to bite their tongue! This week he, and the Denver Broncos, lost to the Kansas City Chiefs. Yeah, the team I just made fun of for not having a QB a few posts ago; the team that actually thought about playing a wide receiver at QB. And Jay Cutler and his 2 interceptions cost me, $120K. Yup, I took the Denver Broncos over the KC Chiefs this week, and lost...despite the fact that, Cutler actually had 361 yards passing?? Well, the four turnovers didn’t help! I have to be be mad at someone...

The Carolina Panthers beat the Atlanta Falcons, 24-9. Muhsin Muhammad had 147 yards receiving, and Steve Smith had his first touchdown. Not the WORLD CHAMPION NY GIANT, Steve Smith. The other one. The one that punched his teammate and broke his nose...sound familiar? Well, I guess he is sorry, because Smith took the football he scored with, from a fan and gave it to his teammate, Ken Lucas, as an “I am sorry I broke your nose” present. next time, he can steal the ball from someone else and give it to the fan he stole the ball from this week as an “I am sorry I took the football from you to give it to the guy whose nose I broke” present. Looks like Steve Smith started an ugly cycle.
He made up for breaking someone's nose, by giving them a football, he took away from someone else...if you don't see the wrong in that,look here...

[Caption: "Relax, kid! I'm thirsty, but my next game ball is allllll yours!"]

Ohhhhh guess what!?!? The Cleveland Browns won a game!! They beat the Bengals this week, 20-12. Lucky for Anderson, this may mean he gets to keep his job for another week. Sit down, Brady Quinn. I am sure you know how to do that, we all watched you sit for hours while you didn’t get drafted on national tv. (Nothing personal, as a Penn State fan I must hate all things Notre Dame). You know what else was lucky for Derek Anderson, he played the Bengals without Carson Palmer. Maybe next week, Brady.

Special teams wins the game for Jacksonville, again. Scobee, who I didn’t know existed until ESPN had an entire "Scobee Moment Montage" this weekend, kicked a 37 yarder through the uprights, in over time and the Jaguars beat Houston 30-27.
PS. Houston is NOT good.

Deeeuuuuuuccceee McAllister outshone Reggie Bush this week and led the New Orleans Saints to a 'W' over the 49ers. I know, its just the 49ers, who haven’t had a player on their team I can name since, Steve Young. But maybe this means, Deuce is back! That’s exciting because now the Saints have 2 running plays! Run Reggie, Run Deuce. Come on, I love the Saints. No one hates the Saints, but you know you were tired of the same play! Nice Job, Deuce! Saints over ‘9ers, 17-31.

There was also an old timers game this weekend, where the old NFL quarterbacks game back to play each other...oh no, wait...that’s Brett Fav-ruh...and Kurt Warner? Yup, the too old guys of the NFL, hit the turf together and the older of the old won. Favre and the Jets, 35-56. And the Jets even wore their hideous throwback jerseys. Perhaps to make the old guys feel more comfortable. Just like old time, huh guys!?
Kurt Warner even wrote Favre a nice letter before the game to show his good old time sportsmanship. Fav-ruh shares it with us below...

In the Battle of the Bays (Green and Tampa, yeah, I made that up!). Things didn’t go so well for Aaron Rodgers. He threw 3 interceptions and we got to see Matt Flynn play. I know what you are saying, poor guy, they took him out after just three interceptions? Nope, he was sacked three times and there were those 2 fumbles. Ok, lets be nice. Poor Aaron, he actually hurt his shoulder (and his feelings )and had to come out of the game. I am not ready to write Aaron Rodgers off yet, he has potential and to his defense, “Can he get a little help from his offensive line, please??” To be honest, the Tampa Bay defense was right on the money (kinda like the Kansas City defense was right on my money! Stupid, Cutler!). Don’t look too smug yet, Favre.

All these interceptions and you know who didn’t have any this week? Former, NY Giant, Kerri Collins. Can you believe it? Kerri Collins and the Tennessee Titans are 4-0 with the Minnesota Vikings being their latest victim. I didn’t watch the game, sorry. 17-30, Titans.

San Diego beat Oakland, 28-18. (Should have picked that game! Stupid, Jay Cutler!) I can talk about it if you want, but the Oakland Raiders played like the Oakland Raiders and even though Phillip Rivers has 2 interceptions and no one really had a break out day for the Chargers, when Oakland plays like Oakland you don’t need to do too much.

Buffalo is undefeated and I never would have thought they would be, but this week they proved nothing when they beat St. Louis. St. Louis is the new laughing stock of the NFL. I thought there would be more competition, you know with the Raiders and the 49ers, the Detroit Lions and the Miami Dolphins, but while those teams still have the potential to be no good, the title for the worst team in the league has clearly been claimed, early in the season, by the Rams. They took out Mark Buldger, who I am sure will leave the NFL after this year and never be heard from again, and replaced him with Trent Green. Yup, same guy who once played for the Dolphins! Good luck. Final score, 31-14, Buffalo.

Now, for the NFC Beast games.
Ouch! That’s what Tony Romo felt when the Redskins put an end to all the “Cowboys are awesome chatter” we hear every year when the news is diluted with how great the Cowboys are, but every year they are quieted; This year it came early with a loss to Washington. Ouch! Yeah, that’s what Tony Romo and Dallas felt for a second time, when TO said “it aint my fault!” Give the ball to TO and win games, don’t give it to TO and lose games, sums up TO's post-game commnets. Either way, I don’t care. I am just happy that for at least the remainder of the season I don’t have to hear another word about the Cowboys possibly going 16-0. Not happening buddy...not this year! 26-24, ‘Skins.

With another upset in the East, Chicago beat Philadelphia. Which is great for me because any loss for Philly is a win for a Giants fan. The Eagles were short Westbrook and a few others, which is what I am sure they will blame the loss on, but as much as I would love to pick on the Eagles, the game was pretty boring. I am sure Bears fans didn’t think so, but in the end it was 24-20. Bears!

Monday night game is Baltimore at Pittsburgh.

Monday Night update:
Looks like you are no where this year without a good kicker. Yet another OT decided by 3 points. After Pittsburgh managed to score TWO touchdowns in 15 seconds to take the lead, a Baltimore TD and Steeler's field goal tied things up at the end of regulation, but 46 yrd field goal in OT ended Pittsburgh over Baltimore. 23-20.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Fantasy" Football: Potential Draftee No. 1

Matt Leinart

NFL TEAM: Arizona Cardinals
POSITION: (Second String)Quarter Back; Carries clipboard for Kurt Warner
AGE: 25
HEIGHT: 6 ft 5 in
WEIGHT: 230 lb
Matt won the Heisman Trophy as a Junior at USC and may not have done very much else with his football career, but since then, his athletic physique and dimpled smile have also won him, ESPN Hottest Male Athlete of the Year. He appeared in Cosmopolitan Fun Fearless Males 2006 and People Magazine 100 Most Beautiful People. He has starred on several television commercials, including one where he is a newly recruited member of the Manning family. He may not get very much play time anymore, or ever again, but that just gives you more time to check him out on the sideline, between plays!
Not to mention, he can rock a 5 o'clock shadow, any time of day....

But as with all things in life, Matt isn't all cute dimples and stubble, there is another side to Mr. Leinart.

He has been linked to Brittney Spears, Paris Hilton and Kristin Cavallari. (There may be a problem if you aren't blonde.)
He shells out $15,000 per month in child support, to care for his illegitimate son, Cole, with a USC basketball player Brynn Cameron(also blonde).
He still enjoys crowded hot tub parties and beer bongs.

*I am also left handed and in no way support on condone anything that nut job is saying, if you follow the link, but when I was searching around, I just couldn't ignore the insanity of that post.

But at the end of the day, I am sure he is a very clean boy! Ok, least he is in this picture...

Girls, on Girls Watching Football...

Girls, on Girls Watching Football (and Guys, on Girls Watching Football)

With the right heading, you can get anyone to read a post. (I bet you didn't even notice the placement of the comma, which turns what might be a girl on a girl who is watching football into a blog about how girl feel about girls watching football)I am sure I have more guys attention than girls; so guys tap the nearest girl on the shoulder and tell her to read this and I promise I will show you “Girls on Girls, watching football.”

I have done some in depth, complicated and completely accurate research about how guys and girls feel about girls watching football. Please note that by “in depth, complicated and completely accurate research” I mean, I have listened to guys complain over the years, asked some friends and totally random people who walked in my office about it, and most importantly I “googled it!”

Girls on Girls, Watching Football

Some girls I asked about watching football, watched it because they understand the game and enjoy it. Most went a college where football was life. If there was a game on Saturday, the world was to stop anything which may interfere with that game. (I am a proud Penn State grad!). Others watched it because a friend or a boyfriend made them watch it and slowly but surely they learned to appreciate the game like 95% of the United States. (I make my own statistics, but I read somewhere that football has replaced baseball as “America’s Past Time.) What I found interesting is, regardless of how they got into the game, when asked “Who is the hottest player in the NFL?” every girl had an immediate answer. Which proves to my next group of girls, that girls who watch football are still very much, girls!

Other girls, don’t watch football. When asked about it some of them said, they never got into and don’t understand it. Others thought football was a guys sport and they wouldn’t like it. The last group of girls, told me that guys didn’t like girls who watched football. First, do you really not do things because a guy might not like it? If so, you need more help than a blog. Second, have you ever spoken to a guy about girls who watch football? Keep Reading.

Guys on Girls, watching Football

So my question was, basically, how do guys feel about girls watching football. My answer, turned out to sound a whole lot like the pros and cons of Jessica Simpson.
On one hand they think its “hot.” I realize this could have been the answer to quite possible any question I asked, so I did get clarification and most answers were more in depth and actually less shallow than “its hot.” (but then that wouldn’t fit into my Jessica Simpson explanation would it?)
Most guys like football, at least. Some love it, some live for it...some actually think they play football, in their minds. (Stay way from them!). Anyway, they want to be able to talk about it and watch it with you. Plus I am convinced that there are some things that they just think are “hot.” They can’t explain it to me, so I can’t explain it to you. Figuring out how the male mind works , requires far more research and a totally separate blog. But I am not trying to make miracles here, just reach a “happy medium” for everyone. So back on topic, yes, Jessica Simpson is hot, just like girls watching football. That is the pro. What is the con?
Let’s face it, she is not an intelligent girl. So what are guys problems with this? She “doesn’t get it!” They want girls to watch football, but they don’t want them to ask 500 questions during football. Like “don’t they see that yellow line?” or “do they have to tuck in their shirts?”

So, realizing that football has something for everyone, but that everyone has different football needs, I have divided football watchers into different categories (and named them below) so that everyone’s needs can be addressed

Group #1: Jessica Simpsons

You don’t get it. You don’t really like or get football. You like football players, but you are never really going to grasp the concept of first downs or face masks. That is okay, there is something in football for you too.
What you should read: Female Fantasy Football, it points out something we can all appreciate in football, even if we don’t get it. If you want to date Tony Romo (or football watching guy of choice), you may need something to do while staring blankly at the screen and something to wear doing it. This section is where you will find it.

Group #2: Football Groupies (or Jessica Simpson Lights)

You don’t get it, yet. But you can and you will. You have questions, but you actually want to know the answers and are capable of getting out of this group. Perhaps you are a “football groupie” You watch football because other people do. Maybe your boyfriend does, or your friends do. Maybe you work, who knows. You probably either, know how to pronounce Farve but don’t know who Ocho Cinco is yet.
What you should read: Football Fundamentals, this section answers all of the questions you want to ask, but won’t because you read “Guys on Girls, Watching Football.” For one reason or another, you want to “get” the game and this section will get you there.
Female Fantasy Football: Just cause you get the game doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate the finer things on the field and look cute watching it.

Group #3: Suzy Homemakers

These are the girls who think “football is for boys!” If you are not baking a pie in the 1950s, barefoot and pregnant, or even if you are...I bet I can show, even you, that there is plenty in football for girls, and you may even find yourself evolving into a different group, or at least 2008.
Watch you should read: Female Fantasy Football: Maybe you don’t think you will ever be into men running each other over, but football isn’t just for boys. Start with this Section and you may find yourself in another group.

Group #4: Monday Morning Cheerleaders

If you get the "Monday Morning QB reference, then you are in this group. You already understand the fundamentals of football and can cheer on your team with the best of them. You already know you can watch football and not lose status as a female. You don’t need anything from me, but want to read my awesome blog anyway because it may point out good looking players and football fashion, but it still discusses what’s going on in the NFL.
What you should read: All of it!
Female Fantasy Football: you can understand first downs and still appreciate who looks good doing it.
Girls Guide to Gridiron: Just football stuff, with a different perspective.
There are also recaps of Sundays games from my point of view and whatever else I come up with along the way.

Find your group? I realize the Group names are broad generalizations and possibly inappropriate. Please don’t be offended by your group name, it is all in good fun. Plus you are not confined to one group for the rest of your life, or the life of my blog. Enjoy!

As for my promise of "Girls on Girls, Watching Football" to those who I tricked into reading this with the title. Guys, this is the best I can do...and since I don't know the rules about borrowing pictures from other sites, Follow the link...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Week Three in the NFL

Here is what you missed this week.
The Giants nearly gave me a heart attack. I took them over Cincy this week and they went into over time. The Giants sacked Carson Palmer 6 times in the first half alone, and only managed to enter halftime with a tied score at 13. I have no idea where the offense was....They didn’t end up showing their faces until the 4th quarter and went 68 yards in nine plays to retake the lead by 3. Only to have the Bengals kick a quick field goal and send it into overtime. Giants won the toss and did nothing impressive but managed to put up 3 points to win the game. Moral of the story, never bet on your own team cause if they lose its like being mad TIMES TWO!

Just about everyone else on the Dallas Cowboys' offense had a big night in a 27-16 victory at over the Green Bay Packers, at Green Bay. Some guy named Miles Austin for Dallas has 2 huge catches, despite the fact that no one even knew who he was. I am pretty sure even Tony Romo thought, “who the heck is that guy out there with the Dallas jersey? Oh well, he is open, here it goes!” I was rooting for Green Bay, but oh well!

A 51-yarder with 4 seconds left put the Jaguars ahead of the Colts 23-21. This seals Peyton’s fate as the lesser Manning and now Eli can safely call him and say “You wanna come over this weekend Bro and I will teach you some football fundamentals? I can let you borrow my game tape, so you can see how I do it! Or maybe we can start small by throwing a football through a tire in the back yeard???” Haha...I love it!

[Peyton: I hate you, Eli!! Daaaad! It's not fair! Eli is playing better than me!!!]

[Archie: Boys! Cut it out! Eli, I want you to take your brother out in the backyard and show him how you connect with Plaxico Burress every week.
Eli:Fine! Next thing you know, I will be teaching him to do commercials, too!]

The Eagles beat Pittsburgh 15-6 in what could quite possibly be the most boring game EVER! Donovan McNabb-hurt and a big P-word! Westbrook- hurt and out of the game! Ben Rothlisburger- hurt and played with a bandaged hand! So the game was purely defense and purely boring!

Unfortunately for the Browns, Anderson is their quarterback and he starts over Brady Quinn, so now you know, why no one wanted to draft the QB from Notre Dame! He sucks, because the guy who starts over him had 2 interceptions returned for touch downs against the Ravens. And Baltimore beat the Browns 28-10.

In the battle over “WHO SUCKS MORE” it turns out that, while the 49ers still suck, the Detroit Lions suck more. San Fran beat Detroit in a game no one watched because we tend to forget either one of them are teams in the NFL. Score: 13-31.

Seattle beat St. Louis 37-13, for Seattle's first win, which actually says nothing about Seattle because St. Louis might be the only team worse than Detroit.

Denver Broncos escaped with a 34-32 win over the New Orleans Saints, when they kicked a field goal with under 2 minutes left. This weeks theme seems to be “special teams wins (or in some cases loses) games!”

Kurt Warner had about the same game as Campbell passing wise, but his team kept turning the ball over, so in another game that I care nothing about, except that the Redskins are in the NFC East, the Redskins pulled out a W over the Cardinals 17-24.

The Titans despite having Kerry Collins (ex-giants, ex-alcoholic) as a QB, destroyed the Houston Texans 31-12. I heard some rumors that people thought, Houston’s week one loss was just a bad game and they could turn out to be a decent team when they got back from their bye week....hmmm...guess those rumors were put to rest. I am pretty sure we can file the Texans with the 49ers, Detroit and St, Louis....under G for garbage, or good bye, or great team to bet against!

But before you close that “G” file, let me put the Raiders in there too. They lost to Buffalo 24-23. However, Bills overcame three quarters of their own inability to play football to score 17 points in the final 8 minutes. So they may be joining their Raider buddies in the garbage pile if they keep playing like they did most of the game!

It is a toss up, who is the crappier QB: Thigpen or Matt Ryan? Considering Thigpen was 14 for 36, I think he can safely change his name to Tyler “I threw 3 interceptions in a game against the Falcons” Thigpen. At least Atlanta had some defense and a rushing game, to run in 3 TDs and not allow a first down for KC until the 2nd Quarter. They won, 38-14. (Hey! You said ran in 3 touch downs...where did they get the other? Thigpen's interceptions!)

G. you know who that is? I doubt it...he is the QB for Minnesota. He also went 16-28 and 204 years passing against Carolina. However, they only had one offensive touchdown. Which turned out to be enough, because the Panthers fumbled for Vikings Defensive touchdown and a few boring field goals later, the Vikings beat the Panthers 20-10.

OMG! I almost forgot. I am sure you are thinking, what about the Dolphins? I am sure they lost to the Pats, but she didn't mention them! Well, I was saving them for last. Because, none other than the Miami "Yeah we wear aqua and orange" Dolphins, put an end to the Patriots undefeated regular season! Of course, they are without Tom Brady, but those are just excuses when they got rocked 38-13. Where was their defense? Last I checked, Brady didn't play defense.
Face it! Pats are no longer a team to be feared!

Monday’s Report:
48-29 San Diego over NY’s lesser team, the Jets. San Diego was robbed the last 2 weeks, so they were over due and maybe now the Jets’ fans will quiet their Super Bowl chatter.

Week Two in the NFL

Let’s start with the most important game...The World Champion NY Football Giants destroyed the St. Louis Rams in St. Louis, 41-13. And that is despite the fact that the Giants insisted on running the ball, when everyone of their receivers were standing around open. Imagine what they would have done, if there were actually some decent, offensive play calling. Also, Eli over threw some of those wide open receivers but his confidence was definitely up from last year. He had some “ballsy” plays that you would never have seen from Eli last year. A blind pitch to a running back and a trick play. I am happy to see him able to through a pitch behind him without worrying whether the receiver will be there to catch it. It shows confidence in his team he didn’t have before. Last week, Plaxico was “you can’t cover me Burress” and he played well this week too. He actually through a few blocks and everything, but he shared his receiving with Toomer this week. All together they played well and I think their sideline jackets should say “Tiki Barber is gay!!” on them. If you do not agree, please download the episode of Project Runway, which features Tiki Barber.

Moving on...
Denver surprised Sand Diego and won 39-38. San Diego should have one, but a referee called an obvious fumble by Cutler, an incomplete forward pass, and gave the ball to the Broncos to score in the final minute. You have got to give them credit though, they went for 2 instead of playing it safe and won instead of tying. The referee admitted blowing the call and apologized to the Chargers, but that doesn’t help them, does it? If they would have played harder the rest of the game it wouldn’t have come down to one call...actually Rivers threw for 377 yards, so I guess he couldn’t do too much else. Stupid Ref!

Pittsburgh beat Cleveland 10-6 in the Sunday night game, but it was so boring I feel asleep. Parker rushed for 105 yards but everyone else was unimpressive.

New England beat the Jets, maybe now they can take down the Favre for President signs. Jets fans are crazy. Favre is an old, overrated, million dollar cry baby and they have changed their cheer to J-E-T-S, Favre, Favre, Farve!!! I have no tolerance for fans that spell the name of their teams as a cheer! Perhaps that is because my family had season tickets to the Giants and the guy who sat behind us regularly yelled things like “step on his neck!” and spit in his eye!”

Arizona ran over Miami 31-10, but did you expect anything else? They put up the statistic that Favre and Werner are to 2 oldest QBs to ever beat the same team back to back. How random is that! The Dolphins played so poorly that the Cardinals game Leinhert some PT!!!

We all knew Tampa Bay would beat ATL, and they did, 24-9. Who cares?

San Fran beat Seattle 33-30. I wouldn’t have picked that. O’Sullivan had 330 yrds passing...I know what you are thinking...who is O’Sullivan. I didn’t know either. He is the QB for San Fran now. Who knew? What the heck is going on with Seattle? Matt, you better step up before you end up like you brother; living off his wife, the dumb blonde girl on the View.

Carolina beat Chicago and surprisingly Buffalo beat Jacksonville. However, the biggest surprise may be Washington over New Orleans. With the way the Redskins didn’t play last week, I almost picked New Orleans in my Elimination Bowl, thank God, I went with the Giants!!! I guess it helped the Campbell completed 24 of 36 passes for 321 yards, but they were actually behind until the 4th quarter where they came back with 3 minutes left and the Saints didn’t respond.

Titans beat the Bengals, even with “Ocho Cinco” Rushing for 110 yards. I guess that the only thing happening with the do know that Chad Johnson legally changed his name to Chad Ocho-Cinco, so that he can have it written on the back of his jersey, right? What a joke. Just like the way the Bengals played yesterday!

Indianapolis squeaked passed Minnesota in what everyone though was going to be a blow out. Indy lost last week and played just as bad this week...maybe Peyton is now the lesser Manning...step aside big bro! Eli wants to show you some things!!!!!

Green Bay beat Detroit, but they were out played the first half. Out of nowhere Green Bay took off and won and I am happy for them because my hate for Favre only increases my desire to see Rodgers succeed.

But everyone this week is pointing and laughing at the Kansas City Chiefs...they lost to the Raiders. Most people don’t even know if the Raiders play in Oakland or LA anymore, but 146 people got knocked out of my pool when the Raiders knocked out KC 23-8!!!! They put in crappy QB after crappy QB and they even played a wide receiver at quarterback. (a guy whose picture isn't even up on their roster). Larry Johnson is not happy, but I am!
Below you can find the candidates for KC's QB-1 position:

Tonight, the Eagles take on Dallas. I hate them both, but I am pulling for the Eagles for the first time in my life because if they win, 90 something people get knocked out of my survivor pool. But my God...McNabb is a bigger joke than Favre.
How many years can you rely on a QB to be mediocre? What is this guy 100?

Monday Night:
Dallas beat the Eagles in a score fest; 41-37. I saw Tony Romo fumble in his own end zone twice... on the same play...when he was all alone. (Insert Jessica Simpson joke of your choice, here). The Eagles should have and would have won, if it weren't for McNabb's crappy hand-off to Westbrook for a fumble and then on their march toward their last chance at victory in the final seconds, McNabb got sacked for a huge loss and then forgot he was supposed to run out of bounds to stop the clock. Dallas over Philly- Blame Donovan!

Week one in the NFL

We always start with the reigning World Champions. The Giants beat the Washington Redskins 7-16 and following Chad “Ocho-Cinco” and in honor of his stellar performance against the ‘Skins, Plaxico will now be changing his name to “You Can’t Cover Me” Burress. I hate to say it, but other than the Manning-Plaxico connection, I can’t say I was impressed with the Giant’s performance. They won because the Redskins didn’t show up. But hey, a W is a W, just like a Super Bowl Ring is a Super Bowl Ring!

Well, as for the rest of the games, I hope you don't have Matt Hasselbeck on your fantasy team because the BUFFALO BILLS upset the Seahawks (I didn't see that coming).

As old as he is and as poorly as he has been playing for years now, McNabb had an out-of-character, stellar performance and the Eagles blew out the Rams, 38-3. Don’t give him too much credit, with the way the Rams played, I see them being this years, “Miami Dolphins.”

New England just barely beat Kansas City with their new QB, Cassal...whose only NFL experience is carrying a clip board for Brady. Oh! Perhaps I should mention that Tom Brady will be out for the season with a torn ACL? Let’s all hold back our smiles, as if the smug Pats would do it for us, and have a moment of silence for their ‘08 season. I think I can hear the cries in Boston from here.

I watched live as old man Favre got lucky against the Dolphins. I didn't really care who won that game but the referees were a joke. They gave Favre every break he needed to pull that game out 20-14. He has a B*** S*** pass interference call in his favor and a lucky 4th down pass into the endzone as he was being sacked, yet Jets fans are crying “Super Bowl!” Are you kidding me? The are thinking Super Bowl after beating a team which won one game last year? Are they forgetting that they are coming off a season in which they themselves only had 4 wins and 2 of those wins were against that one win team, the Dolphins! Super Bowl is as likely as Brett Fav-ruh being friends with Aaron Rodgers.

Even though, the Jets beat the Dolphins, I predict these random guys at the game have got the right idea.

Tampa Bay lead New Orleans most of the game but ended up losing 20-24 because Reggie Bush is amazing.
Pittsburgh beat, no, destroyed Houston, 38-17 but I suspect everyone will beat Houston, as usual.

Titans beat Jacksonville, even though Vince Young got hurt, so say goodbye to the notion that the Jaguars might be an NFL contender because the Titans suck! Kerri Collins, seriously?

Baltimore over Cincy was BORING, but not as BORING as Carolina over San Diego.
Arizona started the ancient Kurt Warner over Matt Leinhert, who,no matter how cute he may be, s obviously a bust and a waste of a first round draft pick because he hasn't done anything...but Warner was a good choice (for the day) Cardinals beat the 49ers, 23-13. Although, I often forget the 49ers are even a team. I can't name a single player for San Fran, so beating them is like beating the Raiders.

Even though the first half was pretty close the Cowgirls beat the Browns 28-10. Maybe the Browns will switch their QB again!!! Who knows, I don't think they know who their QB is going to be yet, but at this point they are choosing between bad, worse and worst.

Tonight is Minn. v. Green Bay and I hope Aaron Rodgers plays the greatest game in NFL histroy and shoves it in Favre's cry baby face. The Raider also play Denver but is anyone going to watch that? I doubt it!!!

Monday’s Report:
Green Bay over Minn (GO RODGERS!!!) Every win for Rodgers is a time to point and laugh at Farve! Don’t get me wrong, I used to like Brett. I thought he was this classic, QB, who no one could say anything bad about, even if you didn’t like Green Bay. To be honest, the only time I thought about him, is when the Giants were stepping on him on their way to Super Bowl Champion-dom. Then he retired and unretired and just wouldn’t get off my tv! By the way: my spell check indicates that “unretired” is not a word. You know why? Because people DO NOT UNRETIRE!
Denver blew out the Raiders. 41-14! Even though, playing the Raiders is like practice, keep an eye out for Jay Cutler.
And I can still hear the Patriots fans crying over Brady!

What is this all about?

Several people have told me that I should become a sideline reporter or get a job on ESPN reviewing the NFL games of the week. More specifically, I was told to apply for a job on ESPN saying what everyone really wants to sat about the weeks games, in a bikini. However, that is kinda taking 2 steps forward and three steps backward. Although, for the right salary...

Anyway, one of my friends moved out of the country and since no one appreciates American Football quite like Americans, I promised to provide him with a weekly recap of what happened in the NFL. However, there are some things you need to know:

1. I hate boring recaps of games I have already seen by guys on tv who can't say what they really want to say like "I fell asleep watching this game!" So my recaps are from my honest, point of view.
2. I am biased. I have been a die-hard Defending World Champion NY Giant fan, since forever, which means, why I may tear them apart for a sub-par performance, I will always hate the Cowgirls and the Eagles. Deal with it! :)
3. Just because I know the actual rules to the game, and can provide enough info for a sports blog, does not mean, I will not mention how hot a particular player happens to be.
4. I will occasional refer to Brett Favre as Brett Fav-ruh because that is how I imagine you would say his name if it were pronounced as it is spelled. (I may be wrong, but the last things it does spell is "far-v")

So, here it goes. (I have been emailing the weekly reports so far, so weeks one through three will all be posted on the same day!)