With the right heading, you can get anyone to read a post. (I bet you didn't even notice the placement of the comma, which turns what might be a girl on a girl who is watching football into a blog about how girl feel about girls watching football)I am sure I have more guys attention than girls; so guys tap the nearest girl on the shoulder and tell her to read this and I promise I will show you “Girls on Girls, watching football.”
I have done some in depth, complicated and completely accurate research about how guys and girls feel about girls watching football. Please note that by “in depth, complicated and completely accurate research” I mean, I have listened to guys complain over the years, asked some friends and totally random people who walked in my office about it, and most importantly I “googled it!”
Girls on Girls, Watching Football
Some girls I asked about watching football, watched it because they understand the game and enjoy it. Most went a college where football was life. If there was a game on Saturday, the world was to stop anything which may interfere with that game. (I am a proud Penn State grad!). Others watched it because a friend or a boyfriend made them watch it and slowly but surely they learned to appreciate the game like 95% of the United States. (I make my own statistics, but I read somewhere that football has replaced baseball as “America’s Past Time.) What I found interesting is, regardless of how they got into the game, when asked “Who is the hottest player in the NFL?” every girl had an immediate answer. Which proves to my next group of girls, that girls who watch football are still very much, girls!
Other girls, don’t watch football. When asked about it some of them said, they never got into and don’t understand it. Others thought football was a guys sport and they wouldn’t like it. The last group of girls, told me that guys didn’t like girls who watched football. First, do you really not do things because a guy might not like it? If so, you need more help than a blog. Second, have you ever spoken to a guy about girls who watch football? Keep Reading.
Guys on Girls, watching Football
So my question was, basically, how do guys feel about girls watching football. My answer, turned out to sound a whole lot like the pros and cons of Jessica Simpson.
On one hand they think its “hot.” I realize this could have been the answer to quite possible any question I asked, so I did get clarification and most answers were more in depth and actually less shallow than “its hot.” (but then that wouldn’t fit into my Jessica Simpson explanation would it?)
Most guys like football, at least. Some love it, some live for it...some actually think they play football, in their minds. (Stay way from them!). Anyway, they want to be able to talk about it and watch it with you. Plus I am convinced that there are some things that they just think are “hot.” They can’t explain it to me, so I can’t explain it to you. Figuring out how the male mind works , requires far more research and a totally separate blog. But I am not trying to make miracles here, just reach a “happy medium” for everyone. So back on topic, yes, Jessica Simpson is hot, just like girls watching football. That is the pro. What is the con?
Let’s face it, she is not an intelligent girl. So what are guys problems with this? She “doesn’t get it!” They want girls to watch football, but they don’t want them to ask 500 questions during football. Like “don’t they see that yellow line?” or “do they have to tuck in their shirts?”
So, realizing that football has something for everyone, but that everyone has different football needs, I have divided football watchers into different categories (and named them below) so that everyone’s needs can be addressed
Group #1: Jessica Simpsons

You don’t get it. You don’t really like or get football. You like football players, but you are never really going to grasp the concept of first downs or face masks. That is okay, there is something in football for you too.
What you should read: Female Fantasy Football, it points out something we can all appreciate in football, even if we don’t get it. If you want to date Tony Romo (or football watching guy of choice), you may need something to do while staring blankly at the screen and something to wear doing it. This section is where you will find it.
Group #2: Football Groupies (or Jessica Simpson Lights)

You don’t get it, yet. But you can and you will. You have questions, but you actually want to know the answers and are capable of getting out of this group. Perhaps you are a “football groupie” You watch football because other people do. Maybe your boyfriend does, or your friends do. Maybe you work, who knows. You probably either, know how to pronounce Farve but don’t know who Ocho Cinco is yet.
What you should read: Football Fundamentals, this section answers all of the questions you want to ask, but won’t because you read “Guys on Girls, Watching Football.” For one reason or another, you want to “get” the game and this section will get you there.
Female Fantasy Football: Just cause you get the game doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate the finer things on the field and look cute watching it.
Group #3: Suzy Homemakers

These are the girls who think “football is for boys!” If you are not baking a pie in the 1950s, barefoot and pregnant, or even if you are...I bet I can show, even you, that there is plenty in football for girls, and you may even find yourself evolving into a different group, or at least 2008.
Watch you should read: Female Fantasy Football: Maybe you don’t think you will ever be into men running each other over, but football isn’t just for boys. Start with this Section and you may find yourself in another group.
Group #4: Monday Morning Cheerleaders

If you get the "Monday Morning QB reference, then you are in this group. You already understand the fundamentals of football and can cheer on your team with the best of them. You already know you can watch football and not lose status as a female. You don’t need anything from me, but want to read my awesome blog anyway because it may point out good looking players and football fashion, but it still discusses what’s going on in the NFL.
What you should read: All of it!
Female Fantasy Football: you can understand first downs and still appreciate who looks good doing it.
Girls Guide to Gridiron: Just football stuff, with a different perspective.
There are also recaps of Sundays games from my point of view and whatever else I come up with along the way.
Find your group? I realize the Group names are broad generalizations and possibly inappropriate. Please don’t be offended by your group name, it is all in good fun. Plus you are not confined to one group for the rest of your life, or the life of my blog. Enjoy!
As for my promise of "Girls on Girls, Watching Football" to those who I tricked into reading this with the title. Guys, this is the best I can do...and since I don't know the rules about borrowing pictures from other sites, Follow the link...
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