Vick isn't to be released from prison until July, but the 49ers are rumored to be “licking their chops” at the thought of adding a felon to their roster. Come on, guys! Even Detroit isn’t that desperate.
After his involvement with, 'Bad Newz Kennels,' a dog fighting ring, including accusations of electrocuting dogs and throwing runt puppies against concrete, Vick became a criminal, even the Dallas Cowgirls wouldn’t touch!

And apparently, the 49ers have learned nothing from the Cowgirls and the PacMan Jones fiasco. Pac Man was released by Dallas, after they discovered his further involvement in an Atlanta strip club shooting. Pac Man served a one year suspension for his involvement, prior to signing as with Dallas and served yet another suspension, almost immediately upon his return to the NFL. Once a criminal, always a criminal and even the Dallas Cowgirls have standards. (Pretty low ones, but standards, none the less).
However, the 49er's quarterback situation has become so desperate they are considering signing Michael Vick as QB-1 upon his release from Federal custody...
HE IS STILL IN JAIL!!! And you wonder why these guys don’t learn.
You would think that, the 49ers would have some sympathy for the poor dogs, who were victims of Michael Vick. After all, who would know better the San Fran, what it is like to be surrounded by chanting crowds, while consistently being forced to compete against bigger and better opponents every week, where their only hope is that their opponent will tire themselves out before they got beat up too badly.

Well, maybe it is only fair that Vick get beat up on every week and learn what it feels like to be “defenseless.”
What do football fans have to say about the possible return of the puppy killing predator to the NFL?
49ers fans are unhappy, to say the least: “I am a die-hard 49er fan and if they sign this piece of garbage, scumbag I will never root for them, again. I always thought my worse nightmare would be the Cleveland Indians signing Barry Bonds. I was wrong this is way worse. Die hard 49er fan since 1982 and it all ends in 2009 if they sign this thug.”
Raider fans, however: “If we didn’t have Jamarcus Russell, I wouldn’t mind Michael Vick being a Raider. People are tripping over Michael Vick fighting dogs. DOGS PEOPLE! Yes it is wrong but it’s not like he was selling drugs are anything. He just made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes.”
*There are several things wrong with that. First, the Raiders have fans? Are these fans in Oakland or Los Angeles? Second, I am sorry, but did you imply the Jamarcus Russell is a quality quarterback? (I am actually starting to feel sorry for this idiot, if he has pinned his hopes on Jamarcus Russell). Third, yes, people do make mistakes, perhaps like when you said, “it’s not like he was selling drugs are anything” you really meant to say, “OR anything.” That is a mistake. Killing dogs for sport and entertainment is not a mistake. It’s a freakin’ crime and in case you were wondering, it is a greater offense than selling drugs (of course, that also depends on the quantity and quality of said drugs). Wow! Raiders fans everywhere (or in the limited areas in which they may exist) are shaking their heads with shame at you…and this is after the Raiders finished the season 5-11 (you can thank Jay Cutler for one of those!). The only things worse than going with the '9ers would be ending up a Raider. No one wants that!
And perhaps the most appalling of Mr. Raider-fan's comments was, the he implied that fighting dogs was not a big deal because they were 'DOGS PEOPLE!' Exactly, they were dogs. Animals that would be family pets if not for Michael Vick throwing their runt puppies against a concrete floor until they stopped seizing or electrocuting dogs who had lost fights, after he had already forced them to fight for their lives by clawing and biting to death one of their own kind. He wasn't killing animals for food or survival but for fun and in a sick inhumane manner. Where do people like this guy come from? (He thinks that selling drugs is worse!) Have you ever seen a dog after as Michael Vick's "pet?"

Poor pup! And don't give me the "Pit bull's are vicious" shenanigans. They don't maul each other to death, unless you force them to, for their own survival. They are vicious because a****** like Vick force them to be. Look at this guy. He looks real scary, doesn't he?

Yeah, looks like he is going to eat that baby any second, right? Regardless, I would trust a Pit bull with my baby before I trusted Michael Vick....with my football team!
Seriously, who are you gonna trust?
These cute little guys....

Or this guy?

*One of those pictures may have been altered to skew your opinion.
But one thing you do know is, never trust a Raider fan!
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