Football fans have found countless means of expressing their team support. Some incessantly yell threats at the television, as if the fear of losing them as a fan, is the only thing that stands in the way of their team and a victory and when their flawless coaching calls of “What the h*ll were you thinking?” and “Run!!!” are magically heard through the glass barrier via ESP(N), their angry shouting becomes a one-man, never before seen on television, touchdown dance something like a drunken ‘butterfly’ with spirit fingers!
Some actually take their screaming to the game. My brother and I had seats at Giant Stadium in front of a man who insisted on yelling instruction to the team 5000 rows below us. And they were things that were so obviously vital to the teams performance like “Step on his face!” and “Spit in his eye!”
A special breed of fan, shows up early and paint their faces or even their bodies. While other, cold-climate fans, dress inappropriately for the game time weather and demonstrate their loyalty by sacrificing themselves to the threat of pneumonia or frostbite. (Oh no! If we don’t win that crazy girl with the skimpy bikini will have her ******s frozen off for nothing!)

But the most poetic and imaginative of fans, take marker to paper (or the inside of the bathroom stall at Giant Stadium)…

…And share their thoughts and witty banter with other fans, teams, announcers, and even the hearing impaired, by expressing whatever enthusiasm football raises within have within them through signage. Through adequate censoring, strategic sign placement and creativity some even get to share their expression with the at home viewers.
Some signs express discontent with the team’s performance…

...Others with their Quarterback.

Some signs state the obvious (perhaps he is talking to the bikini girl!)

Some explain stupid fans...

Others just point out stupid fans! (If they were SMART, they’d be Giants fans!)

Some are sympathetic to players.

Others, not so much!

Some express the arrival of the long awaited day when your team makes it to the Super Bowl

And few are a once in a lifetime opportunity to embarrass your prom date.

But when it comes to the ultimate signs, once again the passion displayed below the Saturday night lights, where this game, might be your last game to ridicule the opposing teams mascot, players or coach, displays the ultimate in sign making genius and punch-line resourcefulness.
Some signs play on words…

Others spell out words.

Some don’t need words.

Sometimes it isn’t about the words, but sign placement.

Some express thoughts of pleasure…

Others thoughts of pain.

A few border on inappropriate (I love how this guy brought a sign, but couldn’t find one piece of Alabama clothing to wear to the game!)

Some show inter-conference support…

While others show inter-conference rivalry (It says “Tebow helps 3rd World Countries, SEC schedules them!”)

Some poke fun at the quarterback…
Others at his mom!

Some signs ask for help…

Some signs sell the help.

Some signs are educational...

..and some signs are just mean.

Some signs express undying faith…

Others indifference…

And some of them attempt to rationalize the inability to play in a BCS Bowl.

But they all tell express the uniqueness of the fans, the passion of the game and the best of the season. Football Season.
1 comment:
Good blog. I really like the Jets one but everyone just needs to be a Giants fan anyway
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