But even if the Giants can sit back and shine their rings while Eagle fans run their mouths, it was pathetic. A disgusting display of poor decisions and incompetence and every Eagle’s fan deserves today to flap their arms and display their inflated versions of reality because even if they are completely off the wall with comments about how Sunday will be the most remembered game in history (I wouldn’t hold my breath), the Giants should have NOTHING to say to them.
So, why do you all feel a rant of some sort coming? Because, my bone to pick is not with Eagles’ fan, who are entitled to cheer on their teams persistence on Sunday but, with Patriot fans.
Really? The Eagles out played the Giants, not the Patriots! I would love to know what the Pats did to contribute to the Eagle’s win that makes them gloat. Perhaps they recorded some sideline signals and sent them over? Or is it because, no one blows it quite like the Giants….except the Patriots!
Yes Patriots, you lost the Super Bowl to the Giants. Everyone knows it, even Eagle's fan who are probably the only others who wanted to see them lose. It was televised, you can't hide it. The Giants were destroyed by the Ravens in Super Bowl XXXV, but you don’t see me become an instant Ravens-hater or Pittsburgh Steeler fan. We lost. It happens. We got over it. So why is it that Patriot fans can’t seem to wash the bitter taste of failure out of their mouths? (Could it be because they won’t keep them closed long enough?) What makes them such hard core Eagle fans? What makes a victory against the Giants a victory for them?
What makes it so hard for Patriots fans to let go, pull up their shiny pants, brush back their Tom Brady semi-mullets and move on?
Some of them seem to feel as though they were robbed in some way. I constantly hear from Patriot fans that “the Giants got lucky.” Ha. Perhaps I can help you all rest easy by dispelling this ridiculous argument.
First, correct me if I am wrong, but was it not the Patriots that were penalized a second round draft pick for cheating that same year? Wasn’t it the Patriots who got caught taping defensive signals during the Jets game? Given that those actions were a blatant and intentional violation of NFL rules, and had nothing to do with “luck” let’s put this “wedding day pimple” size blemish, on the Cheatroits IMPERFECT season, aside for now. (After these messages from their sponsors)

Okay so let’s see where the Giants just “got lucky,” shall we?
I know! Was it that the Giants were playing their first season without their previous go-to man, Tiki Barber and adapting to a new offensive approach?
Was it that the Giants lost running back Derrick Ward, defensive end Mathias Kiwanuka and tight end Jeremy Shockey, leaving holes all over the team? **LUCKY THEM!**
Was it that the media (an “never heard from again”, Tiki Barber) were constantly in the face of Giants players, questioning their leadership? (After all, I am sure Patriot fans know how easy the media, constantly being in the locker room, can make things, right?)
No wait! I guess the luck came in when, despite the injuries and constant disruption, the Giants went on to win an NFL record 10 away games in a row, with three road playoff wins. (Easy, right?)
I guess they just got lucky and the other teams didn’t show up. They were all won by forfeit, right? Or maybe they played a bunch of pansy teams? Wrong. The Giants went on to beat every team who was allegedly superior to them. That is a whole lot of luck!
Maybe it was luck, or maybe it was because Eli didn’t throw a single interception. I guess the other teams just weren’t playing any defense (even though the Bucs had the #2 defense!).
I guess it was luck and not skill that got them there, even though they beat, the fourth-seeded Tamp Bay Bucs 24–14, they upset the top-seeded Dallas Cowboys 21–17 and advanced to the Super Bowl with a 23–20 overtime win over the second-seeded Green Bay Packers, in the third coldest game of all-time. (Boy, they sure did get lucky with that excellent weather and all the home field advantage, right?)
Let’s blame the refs. But can you? Considering at week 10 the Giants were the third most penalized team in the NFC (damn off-sides!). Hmmm...doesn't sound like that is a good excuse, Pats!
Oh. Wait. I get it. The Giants arrived at the Super Bowl with pure skill and endurance. The luck started at the actual Super Bowl, right? I guess the interception, Eli’s broken tackle to keep their drive alive, Plaxico’s game winning catch in the corner of the end zone (which he had caught many times before), were all the Football fairies coming down from the magical land of “Footballtopia” and sprinkling them with bewitching sparkly luck dust. Please.

Pats fans call it luck. You know what teams, who can put aside delusion and deal with loss, call interceptions? Defense.
When Eli breaks a tackle to complete a pass, you call it luck. When Vick does it, you call it skill? Oh, Patriots, how bitterness can skew the mind.
But even if somewhere in that distorted version of reality, all of the above can be “irrationalized” as some how, pertaining to luck...here, my hallucinating friends, is the real question. If the Patriots were so superior, why was the game left down to one “lucky” drive and one “lucky” touchdown?
You just got beat. There is no asterisk next to Super Bowl XLII saying, “Giants got lucky.” So why all of the negativity still? Why the sudden desire to flap your wings with the Eagle fans?
Yes, the Giants were beat by the Eagles. Quite a few times in fact. But I have no excuses. The Eagle’s didn’t “get lucky.” The Giants made stupid decisions (our defense is working too good, let’s change it! Really?) and the Eagles made smart ones. It happens. So why Patriot fans, are you so unable to admit defeat. Why, three seasons later, can you not admit that you were just plain beaten?
Is it the book? Come on. Don’t be sad. So you put out a book about your undefeated season and then got beaten...Whose fault is that, really? Plus, the Patriots can still write a book. They still have a story to tell. They can even use the same cover, with a few minor modifications. (Sorry, I couldn't pick just one title).

(Like how his legs are crossed? Goes with the Title: Premature Exhilaration.”)
Or how about a self-help book for pro-athletes.

Is that not it? Are you bitter because the Patriots bought the legal copyright to “19-0?” if it hurts that bad, I am sure the Giant fan who bought “18-1” will be happy to sell it to you for a reasonable price.
Are you in denial because of all those shirts and hats that went to waste? If that is the case, rest easy. The kids in Nicaragua love them.

As you can see, there are no excuses. You lost, fair and square (a concept I am sure escapes you)!
I know I am wasting my time, because there are people who cannot be reached and rather than show some sportsmanship, admit defeat and congratulate a team on a well-deserved victory, they make excuses and I understand why. They are afraid. It is easier to hate the Giants than to live in a reality of fear. No, not fear that the Giants are going to beat them or that they are a better team this season, but fear that the Giants will define them for the rest of your franchise history. Fear that whenever someone says Patriots, “18-1” won’t be far behind. Fear that no matter how good the team gets, no matter how many games they win or how important the game, the Giants will always have ended the “perfect season.” They can’t shake it. It will never go away. They can hide behind the Eagles, they can win Super Bowls, they can run their mouths, but Super Bowl XLII, the most watched Super Bowl in history, will always be what people remember. It will always be their failure. It will always be OURS!
And as for the argument that the Giants were gloating, post Super Bowl, what is your point? Weren't they entitled? They won the Super Bowl! When else should they gloat? (Apparently, Pats fans gloat when the Eagles do what they couldn't...does that make sense?)No one stops the Patriots from mentioning how many rings they have...that is their right. They earned them.
You hate the Giants because you didn't beat the Giants and even if you do in the future, you didn't beat them in the most important game in New England history! No matter what the Eagles do or what happens from here on out, that won't EVER change. You can make excuses and ride the Eagles until Brett Favre actually retires, but it won't change reality. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can live with it and not hang on to your bitter excuses and accusations of luck. Every year their is a Super Bowl loser and every year that team and their fans GET OVER IT! Join them.
And just in case, if you really can’t accept the loss and co-exist with fans who live in reality. You don’t have to! Move to Nicaragua. Everyone there probably thinks you won!

With all of that being said, what the heck were the Giants thinking? For 3 quarters the only time anyone had to say Vick's name, was to mention that he was eating the turf again or unable to complete yet another pass. I guess that was working too well for the Giants because they changed it! Why? why change your defense when you are putting another team away? Who made that decision? I want their name and their job!
What kind of halftime pep talk did the coaching staff give the Giants? All they had to do was go in there, spank Manningham for his ridiculous fumble and tell the rest of the team "just keep doing what you are doing." Someone on that staff has Vick on their fantasy team! Unbelievable.
I think it is a bit much that some Eagle fans claim they destroyed the Giants, when they really only played quality football for 4 minutes, but those were the 4 that mattered, I guess and a loss is a loss. Giants made a stupid decision and the Eagles took advantage, but guess what...THE PATRIOTS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!
And really Dodge, you couldn't punt out of bounds? You used to ONLY punt out of bounds.
Other teams played Sunday, but I was in no condition to watch.
I am sure that I am not the only Eagles fan who secretly reads this blog every week but I may be the first to comment. I also send it to 3 of my friend who work for the Eagles and it gets passed around there. So whether they love you or hate you, you have some actual Eagles reading these.
This post is spot on. Most of my Eagle fan buddies can admit the Giants won that Super Bowl without excuse but I hear Pats fans all the time claiming the Giants got lucky. Real athletes don't believe in luck.
I rarely agree with a Giants fan, but you are right, Patriots fans need to get over it.
Nope you aren't the only Eagles fan who reads this blog. I am too. It is awesome that there are actual Eagles players reading tho.
I also agree. Patriot fans need to get over it. We don't need them jumping on our victories because they lost to the Giants in the Super Bowl, either.
I am pleased with the Giants fans reaction to Sunday's game, too.
I gotta do it. FLY EAGLES FLY!
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