Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oops! McNabb Still Sucks! (Retraction, kinda)

Oops! My earlier post said that the Cowgirls lost to McNabb. I got caught up in the whole McNabb failure thing! I got the score right, but the teams wrong.

What really happened is that in the finals seconds, Tony Romo threw a game winning touchdown (that doesn't happen everyday!)... and it didn't happen Sunday either. The Cowboys dancing and cheering in the end zone failed to notice the little yellow flag laying in the grass. HOLDING! No touchdown, no time...and McNabb wins by accident.

It's not everyday you get to see the Cowgirls lose and McNabb fail, in the same game. You can imagine my confusion.

The important part of this game though, is still McNabb sucks! Number of touchdowns as a Redskin...ZERO! (Hey, that's the same number of TD's I have as a Redskin!)

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